Hi All - I have considered this treatment, but am trying the LDN protocol first, starting on transdermal LDN this week, used oral for one month...some improvement, but then slowly not working...hence going to transdermal.
My concern is that antibiotics (doxycycline) I believe gave me UC.
so I'm scared to try this. However, I remember when I had a severe sinus infection and put on amoxiclillin, my stools were somewhat forming up like on steriods, so it does make me wonder.
Anyway, my MD was more for tryng the LDN, she was hesitant because the triple antx is pretty strong, so I will give the transdermal LDN time to work.
Question: do you receive good results right away within a months time?
What would the time frame be if you think this treatment has failed for you?
My current status; LDN oral, physillium seed powder, mesalimine enamas 1x nightly, probitotics VSL, l-glutamine, ultrainflamx360, multi-vitamin, no gluten, very low, low sugar if any at all, no-beef, and a no-dairy diet.