My moderate flaring was about
10-12 bm's a day with some blood and cramping and urgency. The pred just was not getting me into remission after two months and I was on Imuran too.
A major flare for me is going 25+ times a day with more, blood, cramping and urgency.
I consider remission for me to be 1-2 times a day, no blood, no cramping and very low urgency.
I am doing better on remi that I was before I was on it and I am off pred now too. I am at abot 85%. I am thinking they may need to adjust my dose and or schedule. Will meet with GI after 5th infusion, though we talk on the phone about once a month.
For myself, I need to know that I tried other things just in case I am not happy about the surgery recovery and/or results.