journey2health said...
Any kind of stress, I'm sure, can cause inflammation. For me, anxiety and depression, go hand and hand. I'm on a low dose of wellbutrin with Lexapro and it's giving me more energy. My P-Doc said that it's known to help people with IBS.
I dont know anymore about
that. I just completed a 36 hour day and a 90+hour week that was due to extremely perilous situation that finished with two competely emotional women who would not leave my home office while I was on the phone to overseas for 3 hours straight. I was careful not to allow my reaction to become too physically extreme because thats only going to hurt myself but the fact that I could not get it to end put the stress at a sustained high level. Today I am fine after some rest after being woken up in the middle of the night by them.
I used to think that sort of thing would result in a flare, complete lack of sleep no ability to workout and shed stress ( bike ride terminated by call ) and unable to make decent meals.
Since I am not on meds I think it now has more to do with what I am putting in me in terms of modern processed foods etc. Occasional sulfasalazine, occasional vsl3, some yogurt, AEE, psyllium.