I understand your frustration, and discomfort.
Can you make a sig up, so we can see what you're on, diet, etc...
i can't get into remission and not really interested in the more serious medicines and there side effects...anyone in a similar situation or any tips?
Are you on any diet, like perhaps SCD - specific carbohydrate diet?
How about LDN, low dose naltrexone - very effective and no side effects?
Do some research on LDN - low dose naltrexone, you can search this forum as they are several threads on this. I can tell you it works!
Here's the Penn State research done by Dr. Jill Smith with LDN and Crohns Patients.
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&m=2204683#m2222188, https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&m=2129791&p=1
What do you think?