I also have a facebook account and learned not to post personal comments. I post pictures of my cats, daughter sometimes, and links to pages and information of interest. Facebook is best not taken too seriously. There were times early on when I would
open up too much on it. Now some of my "friends" on there are people I work with and family. I try to limit myself to fairly neutral content, though I sometimes do post something political, or a petition. There are many facebook pages you can "like" along with groups that will then come up on your news feed. I find this the most interesting aspect. I follow lots of art museums, news feeds (New York Times, local news and weather, NPR) etc. It is really a great resource for information. You can find groups on any topic, and of course UC. Maybe just change your approach and expectations and you too will find something useful from it. You can also email through facebook for more private conversations.
Post Edited (beeswax) : 12/6/2011 6:52:50 PM (GMT-7)