Hi have you ever tried alterative naturopath and diet, if not it is really worth a try. I live in Australia and will give you the email address of my Naturopath if you like and you would have to give her all your information about
what medication you are on, info from your last colonoscopy, bloods, if had urine sample etc. Where you get your aches and pains, how many bm how much mucous all the juicy stuff. I have never been to see her and it took a few weeks for her to study and look at the best means of tackling UC but she sent me a diet. In the diet she says avoid but means dont eat and it took me 7 weeks and I no longer need medication at all. It may not work for you but my colon was really bad, I stayed at home, it was really difficult with 3 young children. Could not butter their toast of a morning without rushing to the toilet a few times and of couse throwing the toast out because it was cold. If you email: Janelle Camuglia [janellecamuglia@yahoo.com.au] please let her know Annette recommended you. Maybe she can help you even if she can recomend the right things to go to a naturopath near you to get perscript
ions for to try. The first 7 weeks were the hardest, and my medication was not working, so 3 weeks in I stopped taking my medication. I am still on the diet but now only on a maintenace type regime of supplements. I dont actually take phrobiotics anymore, I am pretty sure the Trenev Trio that had to be refridgerated even in the post it came in an ice pack to keep it cool. If you can avoid surgery it gives you more options for the future as it wil always still be there.
I am in remission thanks to the naturopath, it does not work for everyone as I have read that on here many times but the possibilty that it may work, and I never thought I would be here now considering Set 2010 I was at my wits end, the meds did not work I may as well have flushed them down the toilet. LOL I probably did. but now I have my life back, the weight I put on from Pred has gone. Once again this is just my experience and road to recovery and I hope it helps you make a choice. But whatever you choose give it time to take effect if you choose a diet based way dont cheat but keep notes if you experience extra bm to have a record of what does and doesnot work. Good Luck I hope you find remission whatever your choice.
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