Hello everybody, hoping to get some insight.
Trying to figure out if my symptoms are from the Prednisone taper (still) or if my flare is coming back.
I've been having really bad muscle cramps the past few days - even waking me up at night - in my feet, calves, hamstrings. Even in my fingers. Also had an almost constant muscle spasm in my hamstring ever since going to yoga on Sunday. I tapered my Prednisone from 20mg to 15mg last week Friday morning. I do usually get muscle cramps the day after I taper the dose, but by now my taper symptoms are normally gone. In fact, on Saturday I didn't really have any symptoms which seemed odd, but I thought maybe I was finally down to a low enough dose that the taper symptoms were behind me.
I've had an increase in BMs too the past few days - about 3 or 4 a day now although they are all formed. I noticed something red in there tonight but it almost looked like it could be food. Hard to tell - I eat these frozen meals at lunch and sometimes they have little veggies pieces in them. I did have alot of pain in my rectum last night though along with the leg cramping, which both woke me up.
I'm also sooooo tired the past few days. My hands have been shaking and my heart feels like it has palpitations on and off.
I've been thinking of starting the mesalamine enemas twice a day instead of just at night although I know my current Mayo doctor will never give that to me. So not sure how I'll go about getting the extra prescription but I know that it has helped me in the past.
I just want to get off of this Prednisone! I'm sick of wondering if my symptoms are due to the steroid or my UC and I feel like its just taken control of my body. I just want my body back!