uc warrior: I'm not sure i understood all of your theories, but the one thing that came through which i think is something we all feel is: when you are in remission and doing well and then BAM, hit with a flare. It is the most dissapointing, frustrating feeling. I am as perplexed as you with how these flares can come out of nowhere and then all the trial and error we go through to find out what makes us feel better. I am also an optimist, if you up your oral meds, increase your rectal meds, increase your probiotics, eat the most mild non-infammatory foods then hopefully you can get to where you where.
Bananagirl: as far as antibiotics, before you take them make sure what you have is bacterial not viral,if its viral then antibiotics are not going to do a thing.
i have never seen any improvement in my uc symptoms from probiotics. besides my lialda and rowasa, the most helpful thing i have done where i saw an immediate decrease in symptoms was to give up caffiene.