How are you taking your L-Threonine, how much and when? How long have you been on it?
The L-Threonine supplementation came as a result of my finding out that each time I had steamed lobster (picked from a live tank), the next am I had nearly perfect BMs and no fibromyalgia pains. I started researching, and found some scarce studies showing in rats and piglets that L-Threonine helps with mucosal lining repair. Then I found threonine also helps with nervous system (fibro). I tried glucosamine initially but it did nothing for fibro or UC.
Then I read in some study that live fresh lobsters contain the highest amounts of threonine, and apparently as the lobsters are frozen the threonine gets reduced tremendously. I tried eating frozen lobster, no results.
I decided to order the L-Treonine amino acid powder to see if i could replicate the steamed lobster experiment results, and BINGO!
Perfectly formed BMs + no fibro pain + great sleep.
After that, I didn't go further than that.