Posted 6/30/2012 8:10 AM (GMT -5)
Congratulations for being so conscious of your eating habits. Besides gluten, I have found that certain fruits and vegetables are incompatible with me. It is no coincidence that my first major flare occurred in June, 2009, when my favorite stone fruits like cherries and plums were available in season. I had been pigging out on them every year. I thought I was eating healthy but apparently not for me.
Safe veggies for me now include sweet potatoes, squash, raw peppers, and zucchini. I can eat spinach but not kale. Regular potatoes are safe for UC but I am careful about eating too many because of solanine. Too many nightshades like potatoes, eggplant, etc., and chocolate can cause me to OD on solanine which gives me temporary arthritis. But moderate amounts are OK.
Apple sauce and chicken broth are super safe and useful when I am in a flare. But everyone is different so you need to experiment on your own.