Posted 9/1/2012 8:45 AM (GMT -5)
Ok, so I've had an interesting couple of days. Writing this as I sit in the hospital. As some of you know I've been battling a flare up for the past 2 months with steroids not really doing their job. Keeps the bleeding under control but still going to the bathroom 10-15 times a day. Started remicade on August 15 and had another infusion on the 29th. There was absolutely no improvement after either infusion.
So I had an appointment with my GI on Wednesday afternoon to discuss surgery as the next step. He wanted to do a scope the next day to report to the CR surgeon and mentioned surgery possibly next week! So I had to start my prep immediately for the scope which I wasn't happy about since it was almost lunchtime and I was starving haha.
I go for the scope, shows inflammation through the entire colon but GI said he was able to go the whole way up which he hadn't been able to do before since I've had inflammation so bad in the past he did not want to perforate. So maybe inflammation not as bad as he led on? Anyway, while still coming off the sedation, he says he wants to admit me to the hospital because he's worried about perforation. I fought it at first, but caved in, I wish I hadn't. They shouldn't have people make decisions like that so soon after sedation haha. In the meantime, he informs my husband that he scheduled me for surgery on Tuesday, September 4th! The surgery will be at a hospital 5 hours from where I live.
So the first night in the hospital I'm put on bowel rest, just ice chips for 24 hours! I had not eaten since Wednesday morning and this is late Thursday. I was able to have clear fluids at 5 pm Friday. I'm put on IV steroids and fluids. The doctor on the floor comes to see me the first night and while talking about everything he says he has no information from my GI about my surgery being scheduled! What?! Then he says he's off Friday but the doctor who is here will look into it. Ok.
So yesterday I wait and wait for the doctor to come, because I also want to be discharged from the hospital since my logic is if I've been in a flare up for the past 2 months, is another 4 days at home going to make a difference. Plus I have a 14 month old at home who I would like to spend time with before I go for surgery since she won't be coming to the city where I'm having surgery, she will be staying at home with my mom.
The doctor finally comes at 4:45 pm says he has no record of the referral for surgery and that he would call the surgeon, oh who is on vacation, till the 4th. He said he would get a hold of him and come back. He didn't come back! So here I sit in the hospital feeling like I normally do which I could be doing at home. Oh, and I'm sharing a room with another patient and I'm in the bed furthest from the bathroom. So I've had a few accidents trying to get to the stupid bathroom since I have to drag my IV pole around with me. At least at home I can make the quick run to the bathroom and usually make it, sometimes I'm not so lucky but at least I'm at home.
Sorry for the long post, I am just frustrated with not knowing what's going on. I feel like I'm being left in the dark about a major decision and I hate not knowing if surgery is scheduled or not. I wasn't given any info, the only thing the GI told my husband was that it was scheduled for the 4th. No time, no other instructions. I just want to know what's going on and really hope I can get some answers this morning from the doctor.