I'm running out the door to work, but a few thoughts crossed my mind before I go. The first is that I want you all to know I am a real person. My name is Joe
I removed your last name for security purposes - we discourage the use of our full names on HW, so find me and friend me on facebook if you'd like. I think putting a face to a name is important and I don't want to be thought of as "trolling" or hiding behind the words I write. Next is that the website we are all contributing to is healingwell.com, not tryingtocope.com. Lastly, I do appreciate that the tone of this thread, although off to an expected rocky start, is looking up! Have a great day everyone!
Post Edited By Moderator (Red_34) : 9/20/2012 6:31:13 AM (GMT-6)