Only during my worst flare did I have major pain, that was years ago. I found a heating pad very good on my stomache and back. Asking the doctor for an antispasmatic medicine(bentyl) and antidiahrea medicine(lomotil) to slow things down in the colon and stop the spasming that causes the pain. These two medicines will also be helpful in the amount of trips to the toilet, I found them great especially when you have to care for young children.
Since being diagnosed 18 years ago I have learnt so much through this forum. The more reading here the better informed your wife will be about this disease. We know more here than most of the doctors out there about UC only cause we're living with it.
I agree about getting rid of the bread and trying gluten and wheat free. Veggies are good but raw ones are extremely hard on the colon and will cause alot of gas and pain especially when flaring, lettuce I think is the worst when flaring, thats probably why its called roughage.
Fruit is the same except bananas which are good for most of us.
Avoid fibre until she feels better, Metamucil is a different fibre and beneficial for bulking the stool and absorbing the water in the colon. I take it before bed.
Was your wife given any 5asa medication (asacol, salofalk, mezavant...), worth a try before using predisone regularly. Prednisone comes with alot of side effects good to read up on it.
Was she given any 5asa enemas or cortisone enemas (hycort, cortenema, cortifoam...)? Very helpful, probably better in controlling symptoms than oral meds but both are needed to get things under control.
Does your wife take a good quality probiotic daily or a couple times a day when flaring? The probiotics add the beneficial bacteria back into the colon without that bacteria you will experience alot of diahrea. Both of the ones I take have over 50billion bacteria per serving, and both have different bacteria strains.
Rest when your body needs it and when feeling better then exercise.