Hi My insurance called and said I had a proceedure coming up, doc out of network yada yada and I said what proceedure and they said remicade.
I faxed my doc this week and said I'm willing to try Humira or enberal since the imuran gave me pancreatitis. I was shocked to hear she picked for me. THe last I spoke to her she said if imuran didn't work I would be looking at remicade or humira. My letter to her was I wanted something with the least side effects.
OMG I'm scared out of my wits! i thought humira was less in side effects than humira!
SHould I be mad she decided for me? I asked her what she thought was best. Is a money thing I wonder? Since it's procedure and not shots? I'm suppose to go on vacaton on the 24th, tickets already bought and paid for if I'm sick for this crap I won't be going. I next week Weds to get my infusion.
Let me know what you think. Somedude, go easy on my today is not a day I can take a beating! LOL