Posted 4/11/2013 11:22 AM (GMT -5)
Hello Lambkins,
You are so right. this disease can go into remission for years. and just when you start to forget that you even have the disease, it rears it's ugly head again. My longest remission was close to 9 years, but in truth looking back I believe that I was having mini flares in that time all along.
about 4 years ago I was in that seasonal cycle of on again off again, though the off again times were not normal either, just no bleeding. After 40 years of fighting the good fight, being on and off meds that seemed to only make me worse I decided to have surgery. For me this was the best choice, based on my age, the duration of my disease, and other financial matters as well.
I am only 8 days post op, but I have been bouncing back from surgery well and I am learning to live with the ileostomy bag, though this will be reversed in a couple months... glad I made that decision, at least at this time.
I hope you can get yourself back on the remission side of the equation soon.