Posted 6/5/2013 3:58 AM (GMT -5)
OK. Been on steroids for 7 weeks now...
IV 60mg at first (3weeks)
then 50 Oral... weaning down weekly.
Now at 30mg....
Very well aware of insomnia side effect.... (been on roids before... )
Just wanting to vent a little and see who else is in the same boat as me right now....
I'm getting 5 hours of sleep per 24 hr cycle.....
ARGH!!!!!! would love to sleep more.... can't... internal alarm clock says "OH! you've been sleeping now for 5hrs.... WAKE UP!!!!" doesn't matter what time I go to bed.... 5hrs... awake... today up at 3:50AM... no sleep to be had.... still need to go to work and run after my preschoolers at 8:30... gonna be a day with big bags under my eyes.... lol!
Oh well, I know it gets better... and no, I don't want to take sleep aid...
I do occationally manage a 1 hr nap in the early evening.. but:
MAN! THIS SLEEPLESSNESS is getting pretty old!!!!!
Unfortunatly this time around, I get the insomnia but not the huge rush of energy I got last time.. (maybe due to how run down I was pre-PRednisone?) So 19hrs to get stuff done.. but not much energy to do anything!
Thanks for listening, feel free to share or add to 'vent'