Posted 2/27/2014 6:05 AM (GMT -5)
I was actually recently on Cortenemas (hydrocortisone enemas), but I was only prescribed for a week. The last day or so I was on them, I got a couple similar side effects to you. Mainly I got dehydrated and light-headed! I actually had some trouble walking around, and then I got really loopy and 'out of it'.
It freaked me out at first, but since I was already on my last or next to last day of it, I just went for a checkup at my campus health services and they just basically confirmed that I was dehydrated. (My blood pressure was also a little low and dropped when I stood up, but it turns out it might be an underlying health issue that I've had and just didn't know about until now lol.) To help with the dehydration, I basically mixed 50/50 water and gatorade and drank that for a day, and I was back to normal pretty quickly. Taking care of the dehydration also mostly took care of the loopy-ness I was experiencing, and I'm guessing it might help your constipation issues.
Best thing to do is call your doctor, of course. Side effects with steroids are pretty common with me, too, and I try to keep my doc up to date on all of it just in case something major happens. Usually he just keeps me on the meds he prescribes unless I personally feel like it's not helping or making things a lot worse; to date, I've only had to stop taking one medication he's prescribed, everything else ended up working wonders even though there were side effects.
Good luck! Hopefully your dr. will have some more definitive answers for you! :)