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Just a LITTLE nervous...send positive thoughts ASAP
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Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
Posts : 1120
Posted 4/17/2014 8:16 AM (GMT -5)
Ok, so I don't really belong in any one of the GI forums, my problems are rather unique. But I identify a lot with you guys, so I'm posting here right now....
I am TERRIFIED about
going to the dentist today. Not because it will hurt or because of the actual dental work, but because they said it would take approx. 90 MINUTES!!!!!! So worried the dentist will be in the middle of the bone graft and I'll crap myself. OMG!!! That would be the worst!!!!!! My tummy is rumbly this morning, so I took extra Immodium and Zofran, and didn't take a couple of my anti-constipation meds. I can just imagine, being halfway through it and crapping myself. The dentist and assistant would be choking on the stench, hurrying to finish, and i'd just have to sit there in a pile of mush! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I'm sorry. I am just so scared of that happening. I do plan on using the bathroom immediately before the procedure. Then they have to numb me up, remove a tooth, clean out an infection in the jaw bone above where the tooth was, then pack it w/ grafting material/cadaver bone, sew it up, then bond an artificial tooth in the empty spot to the teeth on either side of it. I am bringing my emergency clean-up kit, and wearing depends. I guess I will have to talk to him before he starts and let him know a lil bit about
my situation, so if there are "good" times for a potty break, I can take it if needed.
Did I mention I had D yesterday from the antibiotics I was on? Or that I have severe bowel incontinence? If my gut decides it's time to let loose, there is not a chance in hell of stopping it!
I totally should've posted this a day or two ago to get suggestions!!!!!! Way to late now, so I'm asking instead for prayers and positive thoughts. Really freaking out. At least I will very much be distracted from the dental work going on!! LOL!!
Thanks a lot for listening. I'll post an update hopefully in several hours and tell you whether I make it out with clean pants!
Veteran Member
Joined : Aug 2012
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Posted 4/17/2014 8:23 AM (GMT -5)
Good luck. I worry about
the same thing every time I go to the dentist. So far, so good.
Veteran Member
Joined : Mar 2008
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Posted 4/17/2014 9:22 AM (GMT -5)
Besides being a pretend GI, I am a pretend dentist and have had your procedure twice.
Ask for anesthesia, ensure you are getting the extraction and grafting in an oral surgeon's office. Then do not let them cement anything. Grafts must heal- long time too, like 6 months. They can put the post in, but no tooth attachments. They should use a mouth guard with a fake loose tooth so you can smile. And yes, the antibiotics can cause D. My doc offers Xanax for the phobic or frightened. Good luck!
Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
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Posted 4/17/2014 10:48 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks for the support. I made it w/out any accidents!! Antibiotic was changed (again), this time to Cipro, which I've always had good results with. Fingers crossed!! Procedure itself wasn't real painful, and only took an hour. The infection was much worse than anticipated (they knew it would be bad, but not nearly this bad), so now they aren't sure if an implant will ever be possible there b/c of so much missing and poor quality bone. But the infection should clear up, with what they did today and the continued antibiotics.
Thanks again for letting me voice my fears and stuff!!
Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
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Posted 4/17/2014 10:54 AM (GMT -5)
Hi, Glad to hear you came through it!...thinking about
the procedure is usually far worse than the actual treatment I've found.
Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2012
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Posted 4/21/2014 12:50 PM (GMT -5)
always ALWAYS my fear @dentist office...........I am currently waiting for this FLARE to lessen so I can make a dentist appt.
glad you made it thru!!!what an anxiety driven event huh!
Veteran Member
Joined : Dec 2013
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Posted 4/21/2014 8:01 PM (GMT -5)
Glad you made it through! Yay! I cancelled my dentist apt a couple of weeks ago...due to the bathroom fear
Deacon Blues
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Posted 4/21/2014 8:06 PM (GMT -5)
Lord have Mercy!! Know how you feel...
Veteran Member
Joined : Jun 2006
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Posted 4/21/2014 8:08 PM (GMT -5)
I usually have issues immediately prior to the dentist but once I'm in the chair, I like to think sheer mental effort turns it off. I've had a ton of dental work in the last two years thanks to a rogue tooth, and it's never fun.
I avoid the antibiotic Augmentin like the plague. I'm pretty sure my oral surgeon gave it to me and I lasted maybe two days before I had to call and ask to be switched because the D & pain were so bad. I'm not sure what you were on, but that one tends to be especially tough on you GI tract.
Veteran Member
Joined : Feb 2014
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Posted 4/22/2014 12:49 AM (GMT -5)
They had me on Amoxicillan 500mg 4x/day, that made me really nauseous, so switched (because he said it would be a couple more weeks on antibiotics) to Penicillin, low dose 4x/day, and that one gave me diarrhea, now I'm on Cipro, which seems to be better than the other two were but GI system isn't very happy. I guess the combo of my usual problems plus pain meds plus antibiotics isn't helping any.
Had a lot of stomach cramping yesterday, all day, and then most of today. Figured it was just the usual constipation made worse by the extra meds, so I decided to down a bottle of magnesium citrate (which has become sort of a regular weekly thing for me), drank it early afternoon, it's now almost 1:00am here and nothing has happened. I also took 10mg Dulcolax with it, and still no results. Cramping isn't really an issue anymore, guts aren't even rumbling or making any noises.
Don't know what to make of it. Not sure what I should do either. Guess for now I'll just get some sleep. Any thoughts/suggestions? Guess I could call my GI doc in the morning....
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