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Flagyl and UC
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Ulcerative Colitis
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Veteran Member
Joined : Jul 2014
Posts : 527
Posted 7/26/2014 1:13 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone,
Just kinda going nuts waiting for my biopsy results...thought I'd get some more insight from you folks.
From what I read on the internet, it seems like flagyl is not considered very helpful for UC at all. Some forum posts I've read seem to have mixed results. Some people say flagyl has really helped and others say it hasn't.
I took flagyl because I thought my problem stemmed from c diff. I took a two week course, and my symptoms stopped.
My symptoms stopped, with some very minor bleeding here and there. But the difference was like night and day. I was bleeding with every bowel movement for months before I took flagyl, and then that stopped.
I've spoken to two doctors who say flagyl can be used to treat UC. I don't know if I necessarily trust that info, but they are doctors, and I'm not.
What say you guys? What's the general consensus on flagyl as a treatment of UC? Is it helpful? Somewhat helpful? Not helpful at all?
Also, since my colonoscopy, it seems like I am bleeding a lot more. Is this common? I was having no blood before, but after the colonoscopy, my BMs are kinda bloody now.
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Posted 7/26/2014 1:41 PM (GMT -5)
I think if you have true UC and not C-Diff or just plain colitis, Flagyl isn't going to do much. In other words if you have colitis, Flagyl may help. If you have UC then it's unlikely.
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Posted 7/26/2014 1:53 PM (GMT -5)
Is there such a thing as just "colitis"? Do you mean like an infection of some other kind? Sorry, I'm not very well educated in this area. It seems from what I've read on the internet the major form of colitis is ulcerative. Can biopsies tell the difference between colitis that is autoimmune or other forms?
Regardless, thank you for the reply.
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Posted 7/26/2014 2:24 PM (GMT -5)
Colitis is a generic term used to basically identify the symptoms you are having. These symptoms could be caused by any number of things, including C-Diff, IBD's, and several other explanations. Maybe you could even use the term colitis loosely if you had the flu with diarrhea. UC is a specific disease of unknown origin causing colitis. It is thought to be autoimmune and generally accepted that it is not being caused by anything specifically known, such as bad bacteria. That's why, in my opinion, if you have a true case of UC and not just colitis that has a known cause, such as bad bacteria, that Flagyl isn't going to help. Colitis is usually a curable condition but UC is a chronic life long condition with no cure - only treatments to control the symptoms. Sometimes we get spammers on this site proclaiming they have cured their "colitis" but often times it was not UC they cured, just colitis (assuming they weren't lying just to hock their product).
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Posted 7/26/2014 2:49 PM (GMT -5)
Hmm, interesting, thanks Gary!
From searching on the internet and searching this forum, it seems like flagyl is not really used to treat UC at all and it seems a vast majority of users here say it didn't help with their symptoms at all, with a few here and there that say flagyl worked well.
Whatever bowel problems I've been having now and in the past, antibiotics seem to be very effective so far.
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Posted 7/26/2014 3:37 PM (GMT -5)
Did you see my post at the end of the following thread:
Veteran Member
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Posted 7/26/2014 3:41 PM (GMT -5)
Interesting IamCurious...thank you for sharing! Have you stayed in remission since that course of flagyl?
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Posted 7/26/2014 3:48 PM (GMT -5)
Yes, but by watching diet and taking probiotics. Check out my post in this thread too. Flagyl may have worked because I used it with probiotics to alter the bacteria balance in my gut.
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Posted 7/26/2014 4:02 PM (GMT -5)
Great, thank you for your informative responses!
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Posted 7/26/2014 4:26 PM (GMT -5)
I think there are people with UC who have improvement with flagyl but it's more likely with Crohn's. It seems like the few people i've seen who have had luck with antibiotics, usually don't remain in remission after the antibiotics. It helps only while they are on them. Hopefully you have something curable with medication and not UC.
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Posted 7/26/2014 4:39 PM (GMT -5)
Thank you notsosicklygirl, I hope so too. I've been doing great since going off the flagyl, but after my colonoscopy two days ago, there's been more bleeding. I think that's common with colonoscopies.
I guess even if I do have UC, the symptoms are basically nonexistent when I am not stressed. Stress makes me go to the bathroom a lot and have cramps and diarrhea. If it is UC, it is very very mild so far. As much as I hope it isn't, I think I can manage it if it is.
My biggest concern is being able to continue recovering from my eating disorder. I've been in recover for a year and a half now and I'd like to keep continuing. One day at a time, I suppose!
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Posted 7/28/2014 12:31 PM (GMT -5)
It seems that a course of Flagyl and Cipro helped my son, the very first time that he took it. We thought we were onto something and so I asked for another round; didn't help much at all the second time. Not really sure why and neither are his doctors.
Veteran Member
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Posted 7/28/2014 3:22 PM (GMT -5)
Flagyl worked extremely well for me. There has been a lot of lack of evidence for a c diff infection, but c diff can be tricky to diagnose apparently. However, what I'm thinking is happening now is that I may have had c diff after being treated with antibiotics in February and then flagyl cured it, but UC came in after my bout with flagyl.
It's entirely possible I've had UC the whole time too, I suppose.
I'm going to be seeing another GI to kind of ask all the questions that are lingering in my mind and basically really see if this is a strange case of c diff or not. Personally, I've kind of accepted it and am leaning toward this being UC. It's still a little unbelievable that I could have gotten it, but I'm sure the feeling will pass.
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