iPoop said...
People at the ER are going to refer you to your GI specialist if you come in complaining of uc symptoms of diarrhea, blood in poop, mucus and so forth (you end up wasting your time if you are going to the ER because of those things). If, however, you are severely dehydrated, anemic, or in severe pain due to your uc flareup then I'd go as those are things the ER can and will address as they are potentially life threatening (all of which might warrant hospitalization). It is a judgement call but one that can be costly depending on your health insurance.
this is exactly correct. ER does not treat UC. Only dehydration, possibly pain. May make a referral to get you into a GI sooner, but most likely hydrate and send home.
If you are in constant pain, bleeding, weakness ... it is possible the ER would admit and try several days of IV steroids. But that would have to be really bad.
Mostly, if the meds and any supplements are not helping, youlife just sucks. You need to do/change something, but often ER is just a way to waste money. You can try rectal meds, eat low residue, eliminate foods ... but sometimes there is no help. I struggled to work and function for the first two years of a flare that really took over 3 years to get close to remission.