In nyc, it's very common policy to require a purchase to use the bathroom. A lot of places even have signs that say bathroom use for customers only.
There is no health code requiring businesses to allow random people to walk in and use their bathrooms..they are not public bathrooms. Some places don't even have bathrooms for public/customer use at all (they're not required to if they have less than 20 seats - also very common in ny).
Not that I agree with the Starbucks employee in this case, sometimes you need to use common sense, and a lot of places don't make a big deal out of it....but I'm just saying at least in ny, this is pretty standard practice. It really does suck when you're walking around and suddenly urgency walk into a place to hopefully use the bathroom without running into an issue like this (sucks for the pregnant lady, for me I probably wouldn't even have the time to ask for the code).
Post Edited (UCHater) : 10/6/2014 9:30:34 AM (GMT-6)