Posted 10/18/2014 7:20 AM (GMT -5)
I'm not really sure what just happened to me. I've been doing quite well, 1-2 solid bm's per day, and rarely see blood (if I do, it's just a tinge). This morning I went to the washroom and and a normal perfect poo, no blood. about an hour later I went back and had a large poo, with some straining, it was normal consistency, I didn't expect any blood (I can usually tell if things are inflamed) but when I looked, there was loads of bright red blood, including thick clotted blood. I'm wondering if I somehow got a tear further up in my colon that broke open? I don't think I ever saw this much blood even when I was in a bad flare. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced something like this? It doesn't feel like normal colitis stuff. I feel fine otherwise, and don't really want to take a trip to the er, is this something that can happen when going into remission? I'm just wondering if my colon is not used to solid poo, and just couldn't handle it?