Boy, I'm just a hot mess...especially today. Lol My lower abdomen is really quite achy today. I keep getting sharp twinges on the left and the right. AND I strained my neck last night somehow. I couldn't turn my head at all and today i can turn it again but the muscles are extremely tight - I've been taking a mild muscle relaxer. I feel like just crawling under some warm blankets and calling it a day.
Q - I'm not sure about
the appendix honestly. It was found incidentally on the CT scan and my GI mentioned it, but seemed more concerned about
the enlarged lymph node. The gyno mentioned about
possibly getting it removed - today is not the only day it has hurt. I get the pain sporadically and it's been going on for a while. But the pain is so random and not that frequent.
As for the hysterectomy, yes I've considered it. I've already had an endometrial ablation (7 years ago) and the gyno at the time said that a complete hysterectomy might be in my future. I was planning on asking about
it at my appt on the 16th. I'm very prone to cysts (as you know) and the cyst on my left ovary is the 2nd ovarian cyst I've had - 1st was on the right. Then all this other crap showing up, it might be time. And if I was to have it done, I will see if he will do a 2 in 1 (remove my appendix while he's in there - not sure if he will or not).