Hi all,
I have tried and failed all prescript
ions that were available in the UK (Just recently Humira, Simponi and Remicade/infliximab have been approved for Colitis maintenance if all other therapies have failed, so not tried biologics), so anyway here is my weird circumstance.
No mucous, no blood, no urgency and I am in a pattern of bowel movements of 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2.
So most days 1 bm then every 4th day 2, seems like i get backed up a little each day then have a clear out.
I achieved this through a renowned tcm practitioner in Brighton UK.
I am on 100mg azathioprine to keep the NHS happy but i was an aza for more than 18 months and would still flare again and again when pred woud stop.
I have had no pred now for more then 3 months and in fact got out of my last flare with blood only through the help of tcm.
So the obvious question is why am I posting;
The problem is i suffer from symptoms in the form of pain during bowel movement and residual pain after. The pain is mainly discomfort. I also have to pass wind by pushing it through (sorry to be graphic but you guys know the drill). So basically it feel like I have a problem in the rectum or even lower through the anus.
I have tried to investigate externally there is no signs of anything unusual. As far as I am able to see and touch internally I have very small what looks like blisters (guessing hemmies). When I have had these before it has been "extremely" painful to have a bm but not this time. It appears as though they are small but stubborn. I have tried suppositories both for colitis and the non prescript
ion type creams, ointments and suppositories (Anusol) but it does not appear to make a difference to my symptoms.
Basically this is getting me down as i have suffered from this my longest flare for 2.5 years. I am very grateful that TCM has got me out of pred and in remission but these symptoms are driving me insane.
I get wind pain after work till i sleep. I have to push it all out and it is embarrassing and painful to say the least. then in the morning I have more pain to look forward to.
Finally, the other thing is although i have stopped losing weight these last 3 months what is frustrating is i cant put a single kilo or lb back on. I feel these last symptoms are stopping me from truly being at my best and keep dragging me down.
I am hoping some of you may be able to offer some advice based on similar experiences. I have had colitis for 20 years + now and never had what i would call unusual symptoms. I have been a straight flare is blolod remission is no blood kind of sufferer
thanks in advance for your time on this and apologies for the length of my post