Posted 3/27/2015 4:05 AM (GMT -5)
Wow that's all interesting stuff...I didn't even know about research that's been done or anything like that. I literally only have information from watching Dr Sebi videos. That's it! And I took a personal leap of faith that what he talks about is logical and sounds true. My thinking as to why sarsaparilla has not been discussed as much despite all the benefits it has, is cuz natural iron is the healing mechanism. That's it, Dr Sebi talks about how all foods and even vitamins and supplements are synthetic, for one cuz that is easier for companies to mass produce at a cheaper cost, and for two because corporations/the top people in the world who run stuff do not want the general public to know how much more effective natural iron is from synthetic. If all people knew how bad they were getting screwed by stores selling them synthetic stuff, there would be a paradigm shift that would cause most supermarkets to lose millions and also the faith that people put in companies would be destroyed. That's my take on it, after hearing the story that Dr Sebi talks about that happened to him back in the 80's, there are no limits that companies would take to keep their profit line going. All corruption is motivated by money unfortunately.
So anyways off my soap box, I will give more information as to my personal history with UC. I was a truck driver when I first started getting symptoms, about 5 or 6 years ago (sorry don't remember specifically, it was probably around 6 moths before joining this site). At first it was just really bad abdominal pain and eventually it was accompanied by urgency and blood in my stool. I got to the point where I was getting diarrhea and going up to 10 x's a day, sometimes just mucus and blood was all that made me have to go. So then I scheduled an appointment with a GI doc because I was doing the man thing and acting like everything was cool but I knew it wasn't, I told him my symptoms and he did a colonoscopy and it was shown that I had pancolitis, all the way through the large intestines. At that time I was prescribed prednisone and asacol for like six weeks and then just the asacol. It worked perfectly until I maxed out on my insurance coverage and I couldn't afford it.
I eventually started getting symptoms again and then was prescribed sulfasalazine, which also worked out (thankfully, I have a cousin who has UC that didn't respond to the medication, and I've heard on here about people who don't respond to meds, which must be terrible). I've had short term remissions during the time I wasn't on meds, taking my own journey to find a treatment that works, cuz honestly I wasn't trying to be on medication for life! I tried a bunch of different probiotics, some worked better than others, and modifying my diet which also seemed to help to a degree, but sulfasalazine was the only thing that worked and also wasn't too expensive (though it turns your pee yellow and lowers sperm count, which is also no bueno) :D
so I was trying out different things, and then stopping the sulfasalazine to see what helps. Then about a year ago, I stopped taking it altogether again cuz I was taking a good blend of probiotics which really helped, but didn't eliminate the symptoms, it was just enough to where I could manage. I would have diarrhea maybe 50%f my bm's, but I was only going up to 2-3 times a day. And I would have blood most of the time, sometimes bad sometimes not. My stool was also "broken up" when it was formed (I don't mind being graphic) like it was formed but it would be short pieces of formed stool. I also would get light headed and have low energy at times, which I'm sure was anemia but I wasn't officially diagnosed until January of this year, when I apparently passed out. I was standing for a long time (which I'm sure contributed because I already had a low blood count which I found out at the hospital) hanging out with friends and the next thing I remember was being on the ground and people saying "are you ok?" and I had a bad headache (that was from banging my head from the fall) so I went to the ER and they treated the head injury and said my blood was very low. I don't even remember if I had a transfusion or not, but I do remember telling them I have UC and I actively had blood when I go and they determined that must have been the issue.
Then in February I had an appt with a GI doc (I wasn't a truck driver anymore and didn't have insurance until I signed up for state insurance which was required starting this year, that was partly why I wasn't taking meds as well as I wasn't crazy about it either) and had another colonoscopy and it was proven that I had moderate ulceration and was prescribed ferrous glucinate and sulfasalazine.
So I was simultaneously (starting around the end of last year) also learning about natural cures using herbs, and came across Dr Sebi and the information he has. He is a very fascinating guy, doesn't read books, nor went to school! But he had a mother who had ancient knowledge of nature, and how we are electric, and thus we need electric foods to be of optimal health. There are tons of youtube videos regarding what he talks about, if anyone is interested I'd recommend checking it out. So that's all I will say about his life, or journey to health treatments/cures.
But, regarding sarsaparilla, what was intriguing to me is that natural iron seemed like something that would REALLY benefit me, at least my anemia, I actually didn't expect it to fix my UC issues. So I found the kind I've been taking, and based on what is logical, and the info Dr Sebi has shared with the world (although it's suppressed info), it should really help me overall.
I didn't officially document when I started taking it, but it's been since around the start of this month. I gradually noticed that I had like double the energy I used to have, and my UC symptoms of broken up stool and blood and diarrhea at times, completely disappeared! I was going like before I had any symptoms. I was actually very surprised and thought maybe it was just a combination of probiotics, ferrous iron, sulfasalazine and diet modification, so I challenged that theory. I flat out stopped taking the iron and meds, but continued with the diet changes (regarding diet changes, I cut out red meat and soy products, and also just became more conscious of the monosodium glutamate and high fructose corn syrup, that kind of stuff which are just two of a laundry list of things that affect the natural flow of the body's processes). I stopped about 2 weeks ago, and the symptoms stayed gone...except for a couple different times where I had blood along with less formed stools following overeating of meats, which I also believe contributes to my symptoms. Once my body "purged" itself of the junk I put in, the symptoms went away again. I'm going once a day as of currently, with one healthy fully formed log (which I'm always proud of seeing) :D I have learned, mostly by reading other horror stories on here, to not be grossed out by bathroom details.
I realize I can't prove 100% that sarsaparilla is the sole reason for my cure, but knowing what I know about how it works, I'm positive it at least is an important factor in the lack of my symptoms. It also has to be my dietary changes...I also just tomorrow a.m. I'm having a follow up appt with my GI doc regarding my last colonoscopy and I am interested in finding out my hemoglobin levels and such. When I do I will definitely inform the HW family here. It would be nice to have tangible evidence, that I don't have any anemia or symptoms of UC, even though I am not taking any prescribed meds. If I learn that I do have low blood, I will have to change my beliefs, which I have no animosity towards. I am not trying to be right, only symptom free! Hopefully all of us will find what works for them so we can all be healed well :D