Thanks Mark: Yea a lot of work,believe have exhausted most references about
taurine on the internet.
Anyhow I have at least one loose end that keeps bothering me.
How can some be helped by FMT both crohns and UC,if the gut is so messed up with ROS and its destructive effects.
We know that in early onset crohns there is dysbiosis, and UC no dysbiosis, the dysbiosis comes with time for UC.
The ROS,and other parts of the immuce cascade are creating the dysbiosis.
Enter the oxygen hypothesis.
In UC we have the mucus barrier which is much stronger in the colon, then in the upper gut,also different mechanisms.
So all the peroxides take longer to manifest disease in the colon as opposed to the small intestine.
The RIT provides the basis of both diseases.
It occurs to me that by the time many/most get to FMT that they have been on meds for a long time, thus possibly
reducing ROS and still may be on them when getting FMT.
So in both diseases facultative anaerobes are growing, and FMT if done right, under anaerobic conditions
can then provide a new source of strict anaerobes.
If ROS is reduced by meds, why does the population not shift back to normal?
It might somewhat.
Or the anaerobes of course have been killed off, and or the facultative ones are occupying the niches.
If FMT is done with a bowel prep/gut washout it might work better.
All that being said if excess peroxides are the cause of the IBD in the first place how can FMT put people into
Answer: Don't know. But might guess they are really not in metabolic remission.
I can guess that if on meds, ROS is reduced and the last piece of the puzzle is to correct the dysbiosis.
I can also guess that if ROS is controlled by supplements, that the gut bacteria might correct itself, if there
are any of the anaerobes left to correct the dysbiosis. Having an appendix might be important it is a protected reservoir for gut bacteria. Why appendix removal is associated with prevention of UC, don't know,can guess
that the bacteria in the appendix have also gone dysbiotic due to inflammation/ROS.
Also it is interesting that after UC onset appendix removal does not cure UC.
Trying to put together a grand theory of IBD.
But really afraid I am just not smart enough,or have all the needed knowledge.
Doc's like Pravda and Swidsinski are providing some of the knowledge.
This is why we need what I call the internet brain,where many inputs can be looked at and developed
into a sound working theory.
At any rate, its all based on oxidation/peroxides,redox and control/quenching or lack there of.
Old Mike
As an aside, here is another source of ROS, ta da, diet and cooking methods.
Well here is something else going on.
Oxidized food hitting the
Grilled meat going to be much worse than stew.
glutathione depletion again causing a problem with foods we eat
Now can even tie in diet and cooking methods with peroxides and or oxidized foods.
There is a thread on the crohns forum, not healingwell about meat bothering some,so I decided
to look at the problem a little.
At first thought rare/medium rare might act as a foreign protein.
Then I decided to search meat and peroxides, and this info came up.
Post Edited (Old Mike) : 5/6/2015 6:35:02 AM (GMT-6)