garylouisville said...
I always find it interesting when doctors give eating advice and their patients take it like it came from God. Often the advice is all over the place. When I first came down with UC I searched the internet over and came up with so much conflicting advice it was laughable. Don't eat meats. Meats are good for you. Don't eat fiber. Eat fiber to bulk up your stools. Limit fruits and veggies. You need to eat healthy foods like fruits and veggies. Do a bowel cleanse. Don't do a bowel cleanse. Don't eat white breads and pasta. Only eat white breads and pasta (no grains). For every place that says don't do something there is another place saying do it or it is OK to do it. about the only thing that is consistant to a small degree is avoid dairy, gluten, and grains and many, including myself, have zero problems with any of them, even when I was at my worst. If life isn't hard enough on us already, going on a restrictive diet that doesn't help is just one more thing to make our lives more miserable. Unfortunately, you often don't know until you try. I wound up going on a lactose free diet for three weeks only to find that I don't have a problem with lactose.
Salmon, canned spinach, P-seed powder, chicken, simple protein powder.