hardyhughes said...
Thanks for all your replies.
Some mixed views there with meds and diet. I'll give the diet a bit longer and see what happens.
The thought of going on long term meds that screw with my immune system do scare me. I'm only 28 and worry what the future holds if I'm putting things like that into my body. Although, keeping my colon in the long run does sound like the favourable option.
Cheers all.
Certainly try the diet first, if that's what you've decided.
Just know that Immunosuppressive medications (6mp, Imuran, aza) aren't as scary as you make them up to be. I was worried, as well, before starting them. However, after 2.5 years on 6mp there has been zero side effects from it. In the end, I was worrying over nothing. Yes, there is a risk of serious side effects, but the odds are very statistically small (less than 1 percent of patients experience them). I haven't been sick any more than usual. I haven't had any lifestyle changes due to these medications, my immune system still works just fine. All that's changed is my uc symptoms are gone
The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America has some great resources on the risks versus benefits of treating uc with immunosuppressive medications and biologics:
www.ccfa.org/assets/pdfs/risk-and-benefits-transcript.pdfSurgery has risks and benefits as well.