garylouisville said...
I have a question on this though. Most people on 6MP or AZA, Imuran, or whatever get regular blood tests to make sure you are at a "therapeutic level" or are not having liver problems. Are you saying that our therapeutic level is much lower than, let's say transplant patients, and are you saying that transplant patients take dosages much higher than the "therapeutic level"?
Therapudic level means, the medication is at a level in which it is helping the patient. Some patients can tolerate higher or lower dosages. The max is 1.5mgs per kilogram for 6mp; 2.5mgs per kilogram for Imuran/aza.
While on 6mp, imuran, or aza two blood tests must be done on at least a trimonthly basis. First, is the Complete Bloodcell Count (CBC) which checks to make sure the white blood cell count doesn't get too low (these medications desired affect is lowered WBC, but too low and risk of infection becomes dangerous). Second, is liver panel test, which looks for proteins indicating a toxicity response and the medication is lowered in dose or discontinued before damage to the liver can occur (not everyone can safely reach 6mp@ 1.5mgs per kilogram or imuran/aza@2.5mgs per kilogram). Allopurinol can be added in toxicity cases, to reach therapeutic levels at much lower dosages of 6mp/aza/Imuran.
Liver transplant patients are often on multiple strong immunosuppressive medications simultaneously. Something that's not done with uc.