garylouiseville said...
Finding the right one and the right dosage is almost Mission:Impossible and once you start them it is almost impossible to get off them without having problems. It is a lifetime commitment once you start.
lol, no. I've come off every single antidepressant I've been on without a single problem - I never even tapered, but always just stopped cold turkey. There is absolutely nothing which commits you to taking an antidepressant long-term. Basically try it for 8 weeks. Don't go on more than one AD at a time. If it ain't working, stop it. It really is that simple.
pb4 said...
I don't need or want to try antidepressants when there are other options to try first that are much better than taking a pill that increases my already high risk of suicide, on top of all the other horrible side effects, doesn't make sense to me considering that's what I'm trying to avoid.
Pretty much what I said to Gary applies here.
Post Edited (NiceCupOfTea) : 8/23/2015 11:57:31 AM (GMT-6)