Posted 1/28/2016 7:47 PM (GMT -5)
Ive been through 2 really bad, bad flares in the past few years that were accompanied by heinous nausea. The first time around, I could only vomit to assuage the feeling... soon however that didn't work even despite self-gagging.. this was really pretty difficult. Anyway, medical marijuana helps to a degree, and hot showers.
I didn't know about the hot shower trick until late in the first bad escapade so suffered through it, on the latest, I showered after each toilet trip... had to. Im talking like 8x a night...
We are in a severe drought so I felt terrible, but tried to limit them as much as possible. I can't even describe to people how rough those spells were.. just amazing.
Try the hot shower thing, and maybe save some water when you're feeling better. Hope that helps.