Posted 2/9/2016 11:42 PM (GMT -5)
I managed to answer everyone...thanks..
coffeemate..I quit dairy products well over a year ago, but I continued to drink lactose free milk, but no cheeses, or other dairy products, sorry that wasn't clear.. When my diet became really narrow through sulfite intolerance this last year I became worried, and started eating grass fed cow butter as I have read of the benefits, (whilst taking a lactose pill) I have now noticed that I am not running to the bathroom anymore after breakfast, and so there is no doubt from my reactions that it is part of the problem. It is interesting that my body put up with this for quite some time before deciding enough is enough.
ewa...the gold standard test for allergies is keeping a food diary, which I have been using for months. You are correct that allergy testing is not conclusive for some people. For me it pinpointed half a dozen problem foods, the rest I found myself through careful monitoring of a food diary, which I have been doing for months, and I am still continuing to do so. Incidentally, through this home testing, I discovered that olive oil was making me very ill. When I wake up in the morning, sometimes my eyes itch uncontrollably before I even get out of bed, and so I know what that means..I go to the bathroom and wash my face, and sure enough, the skin around my face feels like fine sand paper, another confirmation of having eaten something disagreeable the night beforw, or sometimes for no reason I know of a huge hive will pop up on my forehead, forcing me to scrutinise my food diary nervously. This is the life I am living and it is not getting any better. I spent a couple of days making some vegan food, but I won't be eating anymore of it as my body really does not like lentils, and I have a rash on my face as I type this, and it goes on and on and on....that is the reality of food allergies.
isleman..I doubt if there are lots of recipes, but maybe a few I can try, because there are so many foods that I cannot eat, that being said I am going to buy some Tofu, who knows I might get lucky, but I cant take any sauces, salsas, anything in a bottle makes me feel neausous, anything processed makes me ill and Tofu needs a sauce does it not? But it is early days, and I need to do some online research for sure.
nssg....Yes, peace of mind, tranquility, no urgency, happiness, contentment, being able to eat what you like, isn't that worth having..
CCinPA..Taking stronger Meds makes no sense to me at all, as I am in remission. Allergies run in my family, and I am just unfortunate that this is the path that UC has taken me. It is well known that UC is an insidious disease with many other problems popping up alongside it.
There is a possibility that now I have stopped eating meat and dairy that my body may heal, maybe that has been the problem all along, I don't know, but I need to give it some time to find out.
I am fairly knowledgeable on what foods and supplements I need to take, the weight loss was over time and simply down to not eating what everyone else eats every day, cakes, biscuits, bread, puddings, alcohol, chocolate etc etc. but of course I need to be careful and not lose any more weight. worries, but remember that is just your view.
Imagardenr..I take a veggie drink every day and include curcumin root, I swear it got rid of my tailbone pain. With regard to wine, unfortunately, I can't buy sulfite free where I live, I have to ship it over from the USA. I did that over Christmas and it was expensive but wonderful. Vodka I like but I am unsure of what mixer I could take. Potatoes are working for me, Thank goodness! it is one thing that I rely heavily on and has not let me down so far. is a good idea, but it is the protein in the meat that is causing me problems, (so I am told by my doctor) and I am inclined to believe him having seen almost immediate results from stopping eating meat.
Kevin...I like this "The reason I say that is that if you're having normal movements again and you can keep that up for a month or two, it's very likely you have healing (or something close to it). After healing, you may find that a lot of the foods you couldn't eat, you'll be able to eat again over time" I do hope so!
Elpisunbreakable...Wow your sulfite intolerant too, you poor thing, yes I am aware of that site you posted, it is one of the best, and I am taking some of the supplements he suggests. With regard to meat, as I mentioned earlier, I have been keeping a food diary for months, and so I knew that meat was the problem, reluctantly I might add! Keeping a food diary is the only way to discover problems, and you are correct in that it can become complicated as sometimes I found I had two different problems at the same time. I am fairly knowledgeable regarding sulfites now, I did a lot of research on it and my food diary helped too. You can ask me anything if your worried.
DMC..thanks, yes I need to educate myself. I made an amazing lentil and veg soup, but my skin broke out, so I cant have lentils, also I have a terrible reaction to chickpeas which are in a lot of vegan dish, and rice is out as well, I feel like I'm in some kind of horrific nightmare that never ends.
Quincy..Thanks, some people with UC will suffer for years, often housebound rather than having surgery, I have never understood that. Others think that remission is all that counts and that I should be grateful for that. It is true that I am fortunate that my UC is not severe, keeping me housebound, but pain is pain...and who is to say that my suffering is not on the same level as the housebound person. It is almost impossible for someone to understand what I have tried to explain unless they are going through it themselves.
Food is all I have left to enjoy, some of you may remember that I have Lichen Schlerosus......