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How many of us have/have not had accidents?
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Ulcerative Colitis
Have you ever had an accident due to uc?
Yes - 80.0% - 36 votes
No - 20.0% - 9 votes
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Veteran Member
Joined : Jun 2010
Posts : 2373
Posted 1/30/2016 7:54 AM (GMT -5)
I have not had accidents only because every time I get an access to restroom I use it. I feel an urge or not. While in flare, I don't step outside without using Bentyl. Only twice I came close to an accident but luckily found a restroom in time.
U B Tough
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Posted 1/30/2016 12:31 PM (GMT -5)
Hell yes! In my car, stores, name it, I've pooped there! Thankfully few and far between but that's only because I don't work and have a very sheltered life. If I worked, it would happen daily especially in the morning.
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/30/2016 5:41 PM (GMT -5)
Only when I was first diagnosed and flaring. I would get out of bed and go let the dogs out first so they didn't pee and poop in the house and then just in that small amount of time I wouldn't make it to the bathroom 20 feet from the door. What I thought would be gas wasn't. You all know what I am talking about
. Ugh.
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Posted 2/25/2016 2:27 AM (GMT -5)
Several times!
Twice at work but it was blood/mucus. On the same day. First time I was able to clean up and toss my undies in the garbage thinking that I was fine. The second time, well....had to go home to change my pants. Work with all males, so that was a tad embarrassing.
Other times have usually been on the road, or else just barely not making it to the toilet in time.
Forum Moderator
Joined : Aug 2012
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Posted 2/25/2016 7:16 AM (GMT -5)
Accidents suck (I've had my unfair share of them), see your gastroenterologist and get aggressive with your treatment to get your uc under control. Hang in there, it gets better
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/25/2016 1:40 PM (GMT -5)
Must be nice having colitis lite.
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Posted 2/25/2016 3:19 PM (GMT -5)
freddyj said...
Must be nice having colitis lite.
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/25/2016 3:35 PM (GMT -5)
no accidents
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/26/2016 10:51 AM (GMT -5)
I've never had a full blown accident (stool) but have had the enema or just mucus but only when I was flaring horribly and only a handful of times.
at wit's end
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/26/2016 11:04 AM (GMT -5)
I've had a handful of them during my 30 years, one at a temporary job I was working I remember was really bad, no stool, just bloody diarrhea and mucus, had such a mess had to call someone to bring me some more clothes. Not sure of the others, I guess maybe they weren't that bad so not so memorable as that one. And when I'm in a flare I may have small ones when trying to race to the bathroom. Isn't and wasn't fun!
Forum Moderator
Joined : Aug 2012
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Posted 2/26/2016 2:06 PM (GMT -5)
Seems like the majority of us do experience accidents. Only 16 percent do not. I think it's the uncontrollable urgency + accidents that do the most emotional damage, and cause the most anxiety. I'm still a little PTSD-UC, 1.5 years into remission... Horrible disease...
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Posted 2/27/2016 5:53 AM (GMT -5)
I have had lots of little ones, but I had a big one last spring that was literally the first symptom that I was flaring again. Thank God I was wearing pants but I had almost worn a dress that day. They had just moved me to the second floor of our building at work - it's a weird little mezzanine with a giant spiral "grand!" staircase. There is no restroom up there - the closest bathroom is downstairs and on the other side of the building. NOT IDEAL. Haha. I had gotten upstairs first thing in the morning, was getting things together to start the day, and the feeling hit. I took off and ran down those giant, horrible stairs - I did not make it. I went to the bathroom to clean up and it was not a fixable situation, so I got my stuff and drove home. iPoop is so right - the emotional part is the hardest. I can't describe the hate I have for that stupid staircase.
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Posted 12/24/2016 7:10 PM (GMT -5)
I am a little late to this discussion, but I thought I would add my two cents. If any of you are still struggling with this I can relate. I've had UC for 9 years I have been pooping my pants for 6 years and I am so done. It's become such a problem in my life that I am considering an ileostomy... more on that in a bit...
I always wear two extra long panty liners, not side by side but one behind the other so that my undies have a long line of protection. That way, I dont have to take off my pants, I just take off the liners. Something that REALLY helps with the cleanup is VASELINE! Before I go anywhere I put a dab of vas on TP and smear it (for lack of a better word) all around down there. If you are female you know how horrible it is to have poo in your hair. The vas will create a barrier so that you can wipe it right off. It will also protect your skin and you wont get rashes. I keep a tube of vas in my purse, along with wet wipes and liners. Something I just heard about
is keeping clothes pins with you so you can keep your shirt out of the way (or skirt off the floor).
I have been on the SCD (diet) for 5 years and it has been the only thing that has ever given me any relief. I no longer have chronic diarrhea but even when my stool is formed I can't keep it in. I haven't tried immunomodulators or biologics but I really don't want to and I am only going to try them if I find out I have Crohn's and not true UC. I don't respond to 5 ASAs or mesalamine. And I hate the side effects of prednisone. I had moon face for two years, (went to senior prom feeling very ugly) along with cystic acne, hair loss, and psychiatric blows etc. Don't want to remember...
Having a permanent ileostomy would dramatically improve the quality of my life. I am fully aware that I am trading one set of problems for another set. But there are countless things that I would be able to do with a bag that I haven't been able to do for years. I could get a job. I could go to the grocery store without fear, anxiety, pain and several bathroom trips to clean up accidents (I never make it on time when I'm at a store and so I rarely go anymore). I could attend weddings, reunions, funerals, birthday parties, and other important family gatherings. I could go camping, hiking, biking, swimming, etc. I could go on a vacation. I could join my husband when he invites our friends over for a game or movie night instead of hide away in our room. I could go on dates with my husband.
I have a very poor quality of life. I want my life back. I want to give my husband and future children the wife and mother they deserve.
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