Ischemic Colitis (IC) isn't really our area of expertise, it's injury and restricted blood flow to the intestine. I'd say you should regularly be checked by a specialist whose familiar with IC. Especially if your symptoms haven't gone away, which it can for IC. 20 percent of IC patients require surgery, a resection to remove a bad section of their intestine.
"Frequent clinical follow up of the abdomen, careful monitoring of vital signs and serial radiographic and colonoscopic examinations are needed." Source:'d say the frequency is based on your IC symptoms.
I didn't see a lot of medications listed for IC. Treating the inflammation causing IC seems important. IC causes blood and pain, like our UC does, so we can relate with that part of your struggles.
It seems reasonable to go to urgent care or the hospital if your symptoms are unbearable. Sometimes that gets you to your specialist sooner. You're the best judge of whether or not it's appropriate given your current symptoms.