Posted 7/15/2016 2:35 PM (GMT -5)
Sorry, feel like being a Chatty Cathy today. Read for your amusement, or not, whatevs.
I had appt with my GI doc yesterday and he's satisfied with results I'm getting with Humira. It's not perfect, there's been bumps in the road but he feels I'm continually improving. I had a C-RP test and I was at 2.6 in April and I'm now at 1.2. We discussed moving me to weekly injections but I did my blood test right at a mini flare...which I'm sad to say was completely self inflicted. 😳
Ive never been a huge drinker and since being dx'd, I hardly drink. I can occasionally have a drink or 2 without a prob, no beer or wine, both too gassy, so I opt for cranberry juice, vodka and lime. I went home to the Bay Area for a wedding, had a couple of drinks there, got my buzz on with no ill effects. The next night, got together with some friends in SF and got exceedingly destroyed. Ugh, woke up totally hung over but no bowel probs but I had a horrific headache. As it happens, my friend has an exotic breed cat that she can't keep anymore, so crazy cat lady that I am, we arranged for kitty to come home with addition to the 2 cats I have. Ok, this is a Savvanah cat, super long body, freaky long legs and just all around cool looking. He has the best personality of a cat I've ever seen and so far, it's been ok with cats I have, 2 females and they seem to be ok with him once he got over the initial freak out of his new surrounding...but back to my headache. I was at the airport, with a freaked out cat in his carrier with a horrific headache that Tylenol was doing nothing for, so I said screw it, I'm taking ibuprofen, even though I knew the ramifications. And wow, when you bring an animal in a carrier through airport security, they make you take it out of the carrier. It was a job to get this cat in the carrier in the first place and that was with dosing him with kitty Kat tranquilizers. So I got him out, got him and all my stuff through security and then the TSA people don't even freaken help me get him back in the carrier, just tell me to get out of the way. Thanks, so helpful. And mind you, a lot of people passed me by, just staring at me trying to get freaky cat back in the effing carrier. Finally, a couple of young girls stopped and helped me get him in the carrier. By then my headache was raging and I was feeling nauseous, so I made the executive decision to take a couple of Advil with a Zofran chaser. I felt so much better about 20 mins later, sweet relief, nothing like ibuprofen for bad headaches. Kitty Kat and I, both sufficiently drugged, got on our flight home.
Later that night...oh bloody hell in the toilet. 😱 I was so mad at myself, shoulda just sucked it up and not taken the Advil but at the time I didn't care. I suffered the ill effects for a couple of days but thankfully the blood subsided and I'm mostly back on track. Given the mini flare, my GI doc might test my blood again in a month to see what my levels are, given the mini flare might have affected my numbers. If they are the same, we'll revisit weekly injections but for now, I'll stick with the every two weeks schedule.
I think I've been doing OK, my sinuses are hell though and still on and off having gas problems. My doctor didn't have a lot to say about that, except that it wasn't a side effect of Humira. I've been drinking peppermint tea and taking a special for gas probiotic and that's helped some. I think with a constant stuffy nose, I've been mouth breathing and probably sucking in and swallowing more air than normal. I dunno, the gas is annoying, so are the sinus probs but I'm so much better than before I started Humira.
One final thing, after my appointments, my clinic notes get posted online for me to see and I noticed the doctor put " patient was very interactive and relies heavily on humor to diffuse anxiety" Bawwwwhahaha, ain't that the truth. When I first started seeing him, I was total deer in the headlights 0_0 but now I don't care, I say whatever comes to mind.