ks1905 said...
Dikid said...
Update ish:
I decided I am going to send my GI an email before my appointment letting him know that I have had bowel issues since being a young child and that I have allowed myself to be convinced that I was a hypochondriac
and that has made it difficult for me to ask questions/report all symptoms to my docs...
any ideas of how to pen this. I have written and deleted about 8000 drafts
Thanks guys!! you really are the best
I'd be honest & direct; I'd keep it short and to the point. And then I'd spend most of your email on your questions about
your symptoms and Concerns about
your new diagnosis.
Just explain your past but don't overshadow your questions with a long piece about
your past. People don't like reading long emails, most people are not accustomed to long emails, when I receive long emails I just skim through them. Remember that your GI is very busy but he is there to help you and you need his help.Thanks!!
I think I will send a shorter email like you said and just write that I have questions to discuss at my next appointment so that he will know what is going on and I will be forced to ask my questions becuase I will tell him I have some questions
whadya think?