Red_34 said...
Louise, I believe diet is just one piece of the puzzle. There are just so many factors and everyone is individualistic. For me, diet didn't cause my UC. Genetics, food poisoning and antibiotic over usage is what triggered mine I believe. I've tried diets over the years and even tho they never really helped, as in put me remission. They did help me figure what hurts me and what doesn't which in turn caused me to have somewhat less issues. Unfortunately I had to take the med route and Remicade is the only thing that has ever in almost 25 years put me in a stable, solid and clinical remission.
I believe whatever works for you then great! Keep it up! If you want to do diet, FMT, etc then I will cheer you on just the same :)
I agree totally, things change with this illness, you have to keep an
open mind, and go with it.