Canaveral said...
I'm concerned for two main things with the Humira:
1. The possible side effects like cancer, etc.
And 2. The possibility that if I have a serious flare in the future, I will have already used my 'magic bullet.' I've heard that Humira can become less effective with subsequent flares?
Am I wrong in thinking that now that this flare is finally coming under control with Prednisone, Humira may be overkill?
1.) The most concerning side effect of biologic medications is lymphoma which has odds of 6 in 10,000 (or 0.06 percent) compared to 2 in 10,000 ( or 0.02 percent) for the general population. And of those who do get lymphoma, 66 percent achieve remission and don't have to worry about
it again. To put those odds into perspective, the odds of dying in a car crash in the usa are 1 in 133, of heart complications are 1 in 5, so we're talking very small odds. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America is the source for these statistics:
2.) Biologics have a mid 60's odds of working for you. You're better to findout if it's going to work for you or not now. It's good to control your uc and have a good quality of life now than prolong suffering. And if biologics don't work then the same applies, why delay the inevitable of surgery. I'd rather have a solution for me, whatever that is than be left in a limbo or purgatory like state for far too long.