Hello everyone. I stumbled onto this website by accident while investigating Prostatectomy surgery and viewing them on YouTube. Being inquisitive, I then typed in "Sub-total Colectomy with Ileoanal reanastomosis.
In 1994, I was only 17 years old, and a senior in high school when I was diagnosed with UC. That was just the time of my life where I should be enjoying myself and celebrating with my peers. Unfortunately, needless to say, it was not. A long journey had just began for me, a 17 y/o. I am now 40, but every day, hour, minute, and second, feels like yesterday.
If anyone would like to know about
it, I am so happy to tell you.
Post Edited (KickedUCn94) : 12/29/2016 9:35:06 PM (GMT-7)