soynomore said...
when was the last time you had blood work done ?
Maybe half a year ago. Everything comes out normal except I have low (but only borderline low) platelet count. Doctor always says not to worry about
it unless I have associated symptoms like easy bleeding, etc. But it doesn't measure vitamin levels and such, maybe that's what I need tested.
quincy said...
Hi...I would suggest you see a dermatologist for a (hopefully) proper diagnosis.
It could be autoimmune or genetic or allergy driven.
You know it's kinda funny, "see a doctor" is so obvious in retrospect, but it seems like these things come on one by one, and by the time the next one comes on I've already gotten so used to the previous I hardly notice it anymore. Even being unable to talk without clearing my throat seemed normal after a while. But I was reflecting back on 2016 and counting these things up and it kinda hit me. So I think you're totally right... Off to see a dermatologist I go.
climbsnowgirl said...
Hi Lacaille,
Can't help for most of your symptoms
Seems all auto-immune though...
But for your belly button and butt crack, here's my advice :
- Dry really well and carefully those spots after showering. You could even use a hair dryer (no heat mode) if it's to sensible or to hard to reach, like belly button .
- I recommend you to try tea tree essential oil. It's one of the only essential oil that you can apply directly, but because it's two sensitive spots, mix it with olive oil or coconut oil. Look at it online, tea tree oil is antifungal/antibacterial/antiseptic and coconut oil too. It should handle the infection, so you should be able to stop using the rubbing alcool.
Only from my experience, I think it could be fungal/yeast skin infection.
I'll try that. I like how casually we can talk about
butts around here
iPoop said...
Possibly from UC. What medications are you on?
We can get fatigue as a result of anemia (low iron) and that can be related to our UC. You'd need bloodwork to verify.
Fever and nausea are sometimes associated with UC.
We're more prone to have skin issues with UC: dry skin, contact-dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc. Especially those of us with more severe UC.
We don't have higher odds of infections but certain UC medications do increase thise odds, if you are on them.
I'm just on Pentasa 4000mg/day. I think I got iron tested last time I got bloodwork done, but don't remember exactly, will need to check with the doctor.