messthezombie said...
Hey, I'm still fairly new to this all and the idea of surgery scares me to no end so it's great to hear that you have no regrets
What was it like just after surgery? and how long did it take for your J-pouch to settle down to your current 4-5 movements a day?
Surgery is nothing to be afraid of, it's just another UC treatment that gives people their quality of life back. As far as the odds go, about
75 percent of UC patients do not need surgery and only 25 percent do. After trying all three classes of meds and failing them all surgery finally gives predictability and control over UC which feels simply amazing to most. A major reworking of one's plumbing does take months of adjustment.
There are also some good blogs out there that really help give you a handle on what the process is like, if you're a bit curious. You're less than a year into UC, so surgery is not likely to be needed anytime soon for you. I don't like surprises and i read everything lol -