Posted 6/10/2017 7:04 AM (GMT -5)
I've read some previous posts and it seems there is some love/hate with these. I remember the first time I got sick I was on them, but that is all such a haze. I was pretty bad off before I was diagnosed and I was on so many things. I think they made me so sick the second GI I saw told me to stop taking them.
Anyway, as I posted earlier I've had this really odd "flare up" start about two weeks ago. I was worried I'd been exposed to C. diff by a client, but her test came back negative (still waiting on my results to come back) so I've been presuming now it's just the stress I've been in and UC is mysterious so why not have a flare that's a bit different.
So yesterday I was absolutely miserable then my temperature started climbing, so DH dragged me into the ER. Good thing I WBC was 18000. Apparently my "normal" when I'm flaring is only 10,000-12,000. The CT showed some thickening in the transverse colon, but they said it was actually not too bad. Their theory is, with the stress I've had and coupled with all the dental visits I've had recently, is it's infectious.
The confusing thing is they gave me Pred too. I didn't think about that last night when I was discharged. I also didn't think about asking if I should continue taking Mircodefense while on the antibiotics or if I should change the way I take my probiotics/take new ones. I left a message this morning with the doctor who put me on them, but I won't hear back before Monday I imagine.
I feel 10x better this morning though. Temp is normal. Not perfect, but not in so much pain I can't think and I haven't been to the bathroom yet at all.
Really hoping it will be this simple!!!!!!!