You can be an advocate and try and educate folks, if you're so inclined. In this case, they've already shown they have no interest in learning (if it was my cousin had this I would want to know more and educate myself rather than cracking jokes). So, it'd likely be an uphill battle.
There's a lot of times you just have to let it go and let it bounce right off you, rather than stick in and cause wounds. Easier said then done, perhaps. As I know I've been peeved on more than a few occasions. You can ignore it, or resort to sarcasm/humor (which is kind of ingrained within me).
Co-worker: "My you look so thin what's your secret? I'm so Jealous!" Me: "I've discovered this great new diet called IBD, I lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks, I wasn't even hungry, and all I had to do was poop 20 times a day and be bent over in agonizing pain! You should try it sometime."I've been in both situations, very
open about
my condition with coworkers at one job and secretive and two other jobs over the years. Pros and cons to each approach, I guess.
When I've educated folks (coworkers, friends, family, etc.), they tend to get the general gist of UC but not any of the specifics which can be a bit frustrating. For example, they'd all ways mix up UC, Crohn's, and IBS like they were all just interchangeable and equivalent.
"Hi John how's your IBS been lately? My cousin had that and stopped eating *insert some random thing here, like Dangerously Cheesy Cheetos* and now he's completely cured, have you tried that out?" I find people generally are self-centered and only care about
what's important to themselves, they remember some details about
UC to try to be social, generally don't care enough to know enough to be fluent/competent with UC, and they try to be helpful with limited knowledge about
UC. Unless UC affects them, they don't have enough of an interest to care about
learning key details.
When I don't tell others, I just feel guilty/suspicious of others. Like they think I'm less dedicated because I arrive a couple minutes late, or leave for appointments and so forth.
No matter what you do it's a pain in the butt. darned if you do and darned if you don't tell others, I guess haha.