Posted 6/28/2017 1:16 PM (GMT -5)
And once again.....people who don't have UC or inflamed colons would have loose stool, diarrhea or even constipation from some of those foods. You're talking fibre......there are many kinds that are taken to change, improve, slow, quicken peristalsis, stool transit, etc.
...and the term trigger, is it meaning flare or symptoms that freak one out or cause distress, or that they believe that everything ingested causes a flare....etc?
It's a multi-fasceted issue, but if the rectum especially is inflamed to the point of bleeding, or you have hemmies or a fissure and bms are many....does that not say flare or an issue there that can be exacerbated by the type of stool or frequency?
I'm just saying that its really easy to get hung up on the food issue.....we all do it....but if you don't understand what's going on about UC, the flare, meds, etc....yiu will just drive yourself to the point of confusion.
If you micromanage, you will miss important symptoms that could have you understanding the process of healing.
Or continue with food journaling, avoid foods that are known to exacerbate discomfort, and note the fluctuations of flare symptoms.
There are those who have had colons removed, ileopouch, eating, rectum left intact and still bleeding, tenesmus, a snake with the head removed. Food removal and stool passage has not changed that fact.
Another opinion,