Posted 11/24/2017 8:47 AM (GMT -5)
My stomach was just backed up with food, I went to the bathroom and my heart starts to race, feeling like I'm going to pass out, back and forth to bathroom. My pulse would not come down after a hour, I went to ER. They gave me a bag of fluids, said my iron was good (I just had an iron Infusion on Tuesday) 750mg over a hour and .50 xanax. With that iron infusion my stomach hurt for two days (tender) and the day after major diareeah. Maybe I will ask for a lower dose or slow the drip?? Any thoughts on that?
Doctor at ER said when we bare down to poop, it can make the dialiation happen, which can cause heart race increase, feeling of passing out. I mean I turned PALE down to my hands I had shaking chills and my heart rate would come down. I felt hot and freezing cold at the same time.
Ok ALL,yesterday what triggered it I think, was I was leaving for dinner and saw a car sitting in a empty lot where I live, so I pulled up next to it and the girl doesn't even see me and I see she has a box cutter to her wrist and it trying to cut herself! She is 21. I fricken honked my horn, screamed to my husband call 911, flew out of my car and banged on her window. open her door and said Honey what are you doing? Here what's blows my mind, besides finding her, the exact words playing in her car, at that exact time, was "Jesus take the wheel", those words!!!!!!I'll never forget, because I know that Carrie Underwood song. It was a very intense day. I took her to her moms. Her mom called me late last night and said her daughter didn't even know houses where around where I live and was going to a place no one could find her. OMG.
I know this is all over the place. But I think that coupled with my bad gut, just sent me into a whirlwind.
I get this VAGA nerve thing ALOT though, the urgency and nervousness sends my heartracing all the time. The doctor said see a Cardiologist and see why it's happening. I probably need to me on a anti anxiety med. I tried Lexapro and like it at first, but months in, I felt like all I did was sit around. No energy. Is Wellbutrin good? I want something to take the edge off not make me a fat zombie.
If you can give me some insight on the VaGA nerve thing or taking an ant ianxiety, please let me know your thoughts. Or should I just take a xanax every day? I know I'm going to be on cammolmile tea for a while. That helps too!!!
Thank you,