Interesting read, and you can even monitor your digestive gasses in real-time on your cellphone lol.
"Ingestible sensors are potentially a powerful tool for monitoring human health. Here we report a human pilot trial of an ingestible electronic capsule that can sense oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Gas profiles of the subjects were obtained while modulating gut microbial fermentative activities by altering their intake of dietary fibre. Ultrasound imaging confirmed that the oxygen-equivalent concentration profile could be used as an accurate marker for the
location of the capsule. In a crossover study, variations of fibre intake were found to be associated with differing small intestinal and colonic transit times, and gut fermentation. Regional fermentation patterns could be defined via hydrogen gas profiles. Our gas capsule offers an accurate and safe tool for monitoring the effects of diet of individuals, and has the potential to be used as a diagnostic tool for the gut."
/ the more snarky technica version, a bit more humorous and less dry scientific reading for those so inclined.