Look into something called silent gerd. It is not really the acid causing a problem, it is the pepsin
digestive enzyme that comes up into your throat. It probably can be controlled with H2 blockers or PPI, but
if not the pepsin is deactivated by high ph, such as baking soda. Another way to possibly stop it is
Gaviscon, which floats a barrier aglinic acid gel on the stomach contents.
Don't take my word for it, research silent gerd/silent reflux.
The only way to deactivate pepsin is gargle with baking soda dissolved in water, perhaps swallow
some. If this is really the problem then your throat is being digested, this stuff also gets aspirated
up into the sinus and perhaps can creates extra mucus. The top of the digestive tract cannot protect
itself from pepsin.
Old Mike
Post Edited (Old Mike) : 2/10/2018 1:45:01 PM (GMT-7)