Posted 3/3/2018 12:44 AM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone,
To get started I'd like to share the following with you about myself. I am 39, male, professional. I have had Ulcerative Colitis since I was 18. Then as a result of my colitis I developed Reactive Arthritis around the age of 25. I am currently taking Remicade (infusion every 8 weeks), Imuran 200mgs a day (Azathioprine), and Salofalk granules 3 grams a day. Up until 12 weeks ago I was also using Salofalk enemas a few times per week.
My colitis developed quite late I am told. This was because I smoked from the age of 13 until I quit age 18. Within a matter of months of quitting my symptoms appeared. Apparently smoking/nicotine keeps symptoms in check so I had no idea that I had the disease. It is in my family with an uncle and a cousin both sufferers. My uncle has a colostomy bag, is in his 60s and had his entire colon removed around age 15.
Up until three years ago (around 19 years of remission) I was mostly in remission and was only required to take Dipentum to maintain my remission. I had two fairly acute flares during that time and they were both exactly a year apart at age 25 and 26. Both times a week after my final exams at university. Generally a dose of prednisone for a couple of weeks would fix me right up and I'd be back to normal.
From age 27 to 36 I never had a single issue. I would have colonoscopies every two years and would always walk away with clear results and told to come back in two years. Unfortunately around the age of 35 I had stopped taking my Dipentum. Then as a result of some serious stress in my life I flared up around age 36 (roughly 3 years ago this month).
There is a lot of information here so I've probably lost most people right now. Unfortunately my decision to stop taking Dipentum (with consultation of my GP mind you) was not a good move. I had thought that because there was no sign of my disease and I'd not really had any issues for so long that I didn't need it. Additionally, a rarely took it properly anyway.
What that meant was that I no longer responded to that drug. I tried for a month to get it under control with Dipentum and had terrible symptoms. Severe constipation, blood, mucous, stomach pain. Constipation you're probably asking. Because my colitis is in the sigmoid area the rest of my bowel operates as it should. However, once something passes towards the final 25cm of my colon it wouldn't pass as the area was too ulcerated and inflamed. Resulting in constipation and the other symptoms I mentioned above.
I was on Prednisone for roughly 15 months as well as Salofalk granules at the start. I was taking roughly 25 to 50mgs a day of Pred' and it wasn't doing anything. I was not going into remission. We tried steroid enemas again nothing. Then they put me on Remecade infusions while also on the Prednisone. I really didn't want to due to all of the side effects however after speaking with a surgeon he convinced me that I should just follow my specialists advice.
Eighteen months had passed and to be honest I thought I'd never get better I honestly thought this was my life from now on. I had no idea what I was in for and that i would in fact go almost three years like this. I was taken off the prednisone around 18 months and have been on the Imuran ever since. Even the combination of Remecade and Imuran did nothing if i'm going to be honest with you. At least the Remecade kept my Reactive Arthritis in check I guess.
I tried every single diet you've ever heard of over these last three years. If you name it i tried it trust me. In an effort to become "normal" again and get rid of the blood and mucous and pain i would try anything. Paleo, low fibre, no gluten, no dairy, trust me I tried it.
Three months ago I watched a documentary called 'What the Health'. It honestly changed my relationship with food. I was a massive meat and chicken eater up until three months ago. And after watching this movie and listening to them discussing all the hormones and crap that get pumped into these animals I thought to myself I've tried everything so what do I have to lose?????
I need to put context around this. I train regularly at the gym, I weigh around 100kg and have about 18% body fat. I used to eat a lot of meat to get protein etc. So this was a massive change for me. Three months ago I stopped eating chicken and red meat. Three days after i stopped my symptoms started reducing. Within a week I no longer required the enemas I was using.
Within two weeks my bowel motions had started to become regular again. There was no blood, no mucous, no constipation. Four weeks in my blood test showed that my crp levels had returned to normal after showing inflammation for three years. Two weeks ago I reduced my Imuran to 150mgs a day from 200mgs a day.
The best part of all is that I had a colonoscopy on Monday just passed (previous one was six months ago) and my colon was completely healthy again. I need to be clear about something. I don't think there is anything wrong with chicken or red meat however for some reason I believe that the hormones and antibiotics etc that are pumped into these animals sets my colitis off.
My body hasn't been responding to the most harshest of drugs. I tried all diets. And I sit here today three months after cutting chicken and red meat out in complete remission. I've already told my Dr I'm coming off the Imuran and I also want to reduce my Remcade dose.
If this helps even one of you then i'm happy.