Hi guys,
I am curious what natural medicines and herbs you have tried and which ones have worked? Also please let me know if your UC gets better in hot or cold climate. Mine always gets worse when it’s warm.
I have tried physillum husk, marshmallow root, MSM, Indian francinscense , and curcuma. Acupuncture seems to relieve tension, so does Osteopathy, massages do wonders too for me, I get less cramps.
I am about
to try CBD oil. Anybody used it? What concentration and how much?
As my UC has been „healed“ by smoking and came
Back after I stopped smoking (17 years without symptoms) I have a couple of theories and thoughts around this. Who else got UC (back) from non-smoking? Any experiences with comfrey root (as healing agent but also toxin) for this?
In addition to the natural anti-infammatories I tried I am now trying to find a cure by getting to the root cause and healing it/ levelling it out.
I have never taken medication, not when I had it as a child and not now. Only tried Salafolk for 6 months and decided to find a natural relief, now I am hunting for my
Personal cure. I strongly believe that everybody’s UC is different, so everybody’s cute looks different too.
Have a good night, Namaste!
I am just listing all natural remedies \ supplements I stumble on right here, not meaning I tried all of them, just compiling a list of what people say works (I will keep updating)
- Bowswellia Serrata (indian Francincsene, TNF inhibitor)
- Curcuma
- Marshmallow Root
- Slippery Elm Bark
- Comfrey Root
- Physillum Husk
- MSM (organic Sulfur)
- Gelatine \ Bone broth \ Glucosamine
- CBD oil (TNF inhibitor)
- Vitamin D
- Jian Pi Ling (chinese Herb formula to support Spleen health)
- Qing Dai ( Chinese Herb, for severe cases mixed with WubeiZI and Machixian)
- Modified Ginseng and Astralagus combination
- Prebiotics
- Wild Oregano Oil
- Herb formulas TCM for UC: Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang Wan! Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin Wan, Huai Hua Wan! Wu Mei Wan
- CCherbal
-Licorice (also inhibits TNF)
THIS is more for me as a collection of knowledge: Accompanying problems
Herpes - TCM - kudzu decoction, a popular formula that includes licorice, peony, ginger, jujube and cinnamon. release any tightness in the body, while the other herbs increase circulation formula is ideal for releasing infection. TCM, views herpes outbreaks as a product of imbalance in your qi, or vital life energy. Qi flows correspond to your internal organs. With herpes, the liver channel becomes blocked with stagnant qi, producing “phlegm”— thickened, sluggish body fluids that result from stagnant qi. phlegm accumulates and breaks through the surface of the skin.
PMS The Stomach Meridian runs through the nipple and the Liver Meridian runs along the breast. During the premenstrual period, the body's blood and qi (vital energy) tend to gather in the Thoroughfare Vessel and lead to a relative lack of supply in the other meridians. When stagnation or obstruction occurs in the Stomach and Liver Meridians, the breasts will be affected.
Post Edited (PixieAlida) : 5/2/2018 9:04:06 AM (GMT-6)