Posted 3/13/2018 11:30 AM (GMT -5)
I didn't have an open procedure, but for me, the first was the hardest. Some people think #2 is just as difficult, or worse, so I will be interested to hear your opinion, but for me, it was easier. I wasn't as sick for #2, being stronger helps heal faster. Step 2 is complicated internally. This is the step where they build the jpouch. The pouch is then connected up to the new stoma. The loop ileo has two ends, but you would never know unless you really went nuts trying to figure it out. It functions similarly to the end, mine was more difficult and faster transit. The part that the pouch is made from, will be down at the bottom, so it is no longer part of your system (until you reconnect). That part is valuable because it gives longer transit, and helps to absorb fluids. Without it, things are less formed, and transit is fast. Dehydration is more common. You will be fine, you've done so well asjusting. I had two small JP drains just under my incision. They stayed for a day I believe. I think I was out of the hospital in 3 days, some people need to stay longer. i didn't have a home health person after step #2. I figured, I already had supplies and knew how to use them. I didn't want to be bothered.